

Brief description

Geophysics involves studies in the application of physics as a means of understanding a range of geological processes. It is distinct from geology in that a more intensive set of math and physics courses, and applications of these skills, are required.

Marine and Coastal Science

Brief description

The Marine and Coastal Science (MACS) degree program is a new cohort-based, interdisciplinary, experiential program that gives participants opportunities to engage in coastal and marine-focused research.

Urban Planning

Brief description

This major prepares students to become city planners. Planners develop solutions for the design of sustainable communities and for the protection of the natural environment. Planners are at the forefront in promoting social justice and equity.

Recreation Management & Leadership

Brief description

The purpose of recreation and leisure is to contribute to the health and well-being of individuals and enhance the quality of community life.


Brief description

Do you enjoy the outdoors? Are you concerned about the environment? Are science and nature among your favorite subjects? Have you ever wondered why the Earth appears as it does? If you answer “yes," you may want to consider majoring in geology.

Energy Studies

Brief description

Globally, access to modern energy services, including efficient usage, is essential to realize 21st century living standards. A transition from inefficient fossil fuels to a clean, efficient system is key to managing urgent risks such as climate change.

Environmental Studies

Brief description

Do you want to use your knowledge and skills to promote positive change in the environment? Do you want to understand the interactions and interdependencies between human and natural systems? Then Environmental Studies is the major for you.


Brief description

As scientists, biologists have three goals: Understanding the structure/function of organisms, generating and disseminating reliable data pertaining to biological systems, and developing a deep understanding of the natural world that can inform solutions.