
Northwest Electric Energy Systems Certificate

With an emphasis on hydropower, energy efficiency, and a commitment to a clean energy transition, specifically in the Northwest, this certificate is an answer to the increased demand for a trained energy workforce in Washington. Zero in on grid modernization and energy storage industries in the state as success in this growing field requires an understanding of the electric energy technology, economics, policy, and planning tools that are specific to the Northwest context.


Brief description

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, computers and electronics, and other items. Western's program has three areas of study: Electrical & Computer, Manufacturing, and Polymer Materials Engineering.

Urban Planning

Brief description

This major prepares students to become city planners. Planners develop solutions for the design of sustainable communities and for the protection of the natural environment. Planners are at the forefront in promoting social justice and equity.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management

Brief description

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management is an integrated professional education made up of three components: Operations Management, Business, and Engineering Technology.

Industrial Design

Brief description

Industrial Design is a professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value, and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both the user and the manufacturer.

Energy Studies

Brief description

Globally, access to modern energy services, including efficient usage, is essential to realize 21st century living standards. A transition from inefficient fossil fuels to a clean, efficient system is key to managing urgent risks such as climate change.