
Mathematics, Accelerated

This program is intended to facilitate completion of both a B.S. and M.S. degree in mathematics within at most 5 years of study. To achieve this goal students admitted to this program are permitted to take a substantial number of graduate courses in mathematics as undergraduates, are able to transfer a significant number of those credits towards the M.S. degree, and are required to complete only 36 instead of 48 credits for the graduate degree (non-thesis option). The faculty coordinator will advise potential and participating students and serve as liaison between this program, the Department of Mathematics, and the Graduate School. Students seeking admission to the program should contact the faculty coordinator.

Accounting, Accelerated

The 3+2 Integrated MPAcc is designed for outstanding junior-level students. Successful applicants receive both conditional admission to the MPAcc at the end of their junior year and permission to take a limited number of graduate level courses during their senior year that count toward both their undergraduate and graduate degrees. A 3+2 MPAcc student's program would look something like the following, and a student could receive the MPAcc with as few as 36 credits beyond a bachelor's degree.


Accounting masters MPAcc


Brief description

The field of finance encompasses many different areas including investments, financial institutions, corporate finance, and real estate. Coursework is offered in each of these areas as well as courses in multi-national finance and insurance.


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Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, computers and electronics, and other items. Western's program has three areas of study: Electrical & Computer, Manufacturing, and Polymer Materials Engineering.


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Do social and political issues such as income inequality, economic development, sustainable resource use, globalization, or the implications of free trade capture your interest? If so, you should consider a major in economics and its related fields.


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Gain the ability to analyze, make sense of data, and get useful answers. Statistical techniques allow us to make sure that conclusions and decisions are based on valid empirical evidence. Statistics is essential in science, business, and government.


Brief description

Accounting is an important tool used by managers of organizations to plan, control, and report financial activity. Accountants work for all kinds of businesses.


Brief description

Mathematics is the study of pattern, structure, and change. Although it is one of the most ancient disciplines, new mathematics is being created every day. It can be found in everything from internet security to green energy technology to investment.